Based on the latest forecast for the track of Hurricane Dorian we will shut down our operations late tomorrow afternoon, 9/4, and plan to resume full operations on Monday morning, 9/9.
Our office will be closed Monday, 9/2/19.
Our office will be closed Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day.
Our office will be closed Friday, 4/19/19.
We have successfully completed the process for the biennial renewal of our accreditation by The American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, Certificate Number 2235.01. This process requires an extensive two day, onsite audit of all systems, procedures, and documentation of our accredited services and involves employees at every level of the company. This was our 9th consecutive renewal but it was made especially difficult by the disruption of our business operations and audit preparation by the effects of Hurricane Florence in October 2018 resulting in a three month delay in our audit. Thanks to the cooperation from A2LA we were able to extend our accreditation during this period while we recovered from the storm and prepared for the rescheduled audit. Our new certificate can be viewed at this link: Great job by all the Coastal folks!
We are exhibiting at the Pittcon 2019 Conference and Expo, Booth 4050, being held this week, March 17-21, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia PA. If you are attending try to stop by and visit with Tim and Brad.
Our office will be closed Monday, December 24, 2018 through Tuesday, January 1, 2019.
Merry Christmas!
Our office will be closed November 22-23 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
We have restarted our operations following Hurricane Florence and all systems are functioning. We do expect some delays in shipping and receiving as our shipping carriers have not returned to normal scheduled service yet due to major road flooding.
We have power and phone service restored to our office. Our facility came through the storm with only minor damage. We will resume operations at 8am Wednesday, 8/19/18. We appreciate the patience of our customers during our experience with Hurricane Florence.