Coastal Instruments announces the availability of our new 4 channel Read Out Box/Power Supply, the CI-ROB4 at a price of $1895.00. These are factory new devices with a full warranty and setup for your specific brand and model mass flow controllers.
The CI-ROB4 is a 4 channel power supply that gives the user the capability to monitor and control the flow of up to 4 mass flow controllers at one time. Some of the features of this device include:
Each individual channel can be configured for 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC or 4-20mA Input/Output signals depending on user need.
Stores more than 90 different Units of Measure as well as 190 different Gas Identifiers which are stored in a RAM module that is battery backed-up to prevent data lost.
Includes an easy to read backlit LCD that displays all 4 channels at the same time.
Built in totalizer function that allows for time based unit measurements.
Built in valve override option for each channel.
Ratio capability using channel 1 as the primary flow with channels 2, 3, and 4 as secondary flow.
RS-232 and RS-485 communication capability.
These capabilities are just a few of what this box is capable of. The base price of $1895 does not include cable(s), however they are available at an additional charge and can be made for your specific brand and model of mass flow controller. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at, or call us at 1-800-632-4357 or 1-910-259-4485.